This picture of William Thomas Morgan and all the children born to him and his wife Lovina Ross (Holden) Morgan was taken
at their youngest daughter Orleans house near Idaho Falls at the time of the oldest daughter Sarah Jane (Holden) Morgan Charlesworth's
funeral. Sarah Jane was the daughter of Lovina Ross Holden and her first husband John Holden. She was born in 1879 and
died October 17th, 1944. Lovina died of arsenic poisoning in 1919. William was 88 years old at the time of this picture.

Notice the little picture on the wall of Orleans house which can be seen behind the people in the picture above. It is a
silhouette of a cowboy by a campfire with his horse. Bonnie Nield Scott told me she remembered this little advertising picture.
Lenard Nield (Husband of Orlean Morgan Nield) gave these pictures away as advertising for his dairy business. The copy below
didn't come from Lenard Nield's dairy but is shown as an example.

BELOW...It was a Morgan Memorial day tradition during the 1940's and 1950's for the children of William and Lovina Morgan
to gather at the home in Neeley where the family had grown up and to visit the cemetery where William and LoVina Morgan were
buried. This picture was taken on Memorial Day in 1959.

ABOVE...In this picture, left to right, are George William (Will), Clifton (Dick), Marvin (JP), Alvin (Al) and Kenneth (Ken)
Morgan. Marvin died that summer (July).