The Thomas Morgan grave in the Shelton, Idaho Cemetery. Buried here also are the two wives with whom he had children: Nancy
Jane Radford Ryset Morgan and Ann Ollen Watkins Morgan. In addition, a woman he married late in his life is buried here:
Susan Augusta Byington Morgan. The names of Ann Watkins and Nancy Jane Radford are engraved on the side of the white marble
If you look closely at Thomas Morgan's white marble stone you will see that his birth date is not listed on it. This is because
there has been confusion about his birth date and at the time this stone was placed no one was sure of the date so they left
it off. However, recent careful, documented, research in England and America by Leon Pitman, Polly Rubery and James Morgan
has established Thomas Morgan's birth date as 1821. To read the report documenting this research click on the "Thomas
Morgan" link in this website and then click on the "Thomas and Ann Morgan in England link" on the Thomas Morgan
Thomas Morgan Funeral
Click on the link above to see a picture of the card that was handed out to people who attended the funeral of Thomas Morgan
in 1915. And another picture of Thomas Morgan's grave stone in the Shelton, Idaho Cemetery.

The picture above is a composite made from pictures of Morgan gravestones that are in the Shelton, Idaho Cemetery. The Shelton,
Idaho Cemetery is the clan home for the early Thomas Morgan Families and a rich historical center for those of us doing family
history research. A visit to this cemetery is highly recommended to anyone interested in the early Thomas Morgan families
in America.
Thomas Morgan died at his daughter Pricilla's home at Perry Ward, Jefferson County, Idaho, 6 July 1915. He is buried behind
the white marble stone shown in the center of the picture above. He was 94 years old. The picture below was not on Thomas
Morgan's headstone, but it sums up his life, and the life of his early families, beautifully.

Hannah Elizabeth Morgan Hadden, a granddaughter of Thomas Morgan, only lived to be just over 20 years old and she lived her
entire life in pioneering conditions on new homesteads. Click on the link below to be taken to a page with pictures of her
grave in Wyoming.
Hannah Elizabeth Morgan Hadden burial site
Click on the link above to be taken to a page with pictures of the site in Wyoming where one member of our family, Hannah
Elizabeth Morgan Hadden, was buried during some of the most difficult times our pioneer families experienced.
More on Morgan family graveyards
Click on the link above to be taken to another page on graveyards.
Shelton Cemetery and the Moore Legacy
Click on the link above to see a picture of the Shelton Cemetery and the Moore homestead from which it was carved.