In the picture above is the Willard Cook and Annie Lydia Morgan Moore family made when Nora Moore was a small child. Nora
was born in 1898 so this picture was probably made about 1899 or 1900. The family was living in Shelton, Idaho at this time.
In the picture above are, back row, left to Right: Willard C. (Wit) Moore, Ezra Moore, Ira Moore. Front row, left to right:
Willard Cook Moore, Nora Moore, Annie Lydia Morgan Moore, and Sarah Emma Moore.

In the picture above is the John Thomas and Annie Andersen Moore family. The picture was made in 1897, about the time the
family settled near Shelton, Idaho.
In the picture above are, back row, left to right: John Moore, George Moore, Tom Moore. Middle row, left to right: Ernest
Moore, John Thomas Moore (Father), Annie Moore, Annie Andersen Moore (Mother), child on lap; Ralph Moore. Front, left to right:
Wesley Moore, Willard Moore.
We realize the picture above is deteriorated with age and of poor quality but we were so happy to get a picture of the John
Thomas and Annie Andersen Moore family that we just had to use it.
Our plea is that if anyone sees these old Moore pictures and knows the whereabouts of better copies they will contact us so
we can put better copies on our website. There are several "contact me" buttons at various places on the website.
One of them is at the bottom of the very first page. Or, call us at 212 724-8324. Leave a message. We are very anxious to
obtain better scans of these valuable old pictures.