Family members who are active in family history are special people.

LaRae Miller was a talented person with a wide variety of interests. She was active in family history and the Morgan Family
Reunion. We owe her a debt of gratitude for helping to hold the Morgan family traditions together. LaRae passed away during
the summer of 2004. She will be missed.

LaDera is already part of the Morgan Legacy. She has been active in family history work for many years. We are especially
indebted to people like LaDera who began doing family history work early in their lives and preserved information and pictures
that would have otherwise been lost. LaDera's husband Joseph Greenland is shown with her.

Vada Burden (That's her husband Ray with her) is the daughter of Alvin (Uncle Al) and Anna Morgan. Her father kept family
history records and Vada has carried on the tradition. We are proud to have her on our family history team.