Sarah West was born in Derbyshire, England in 1842. She came to England the same way her husband, Edward Morgan did, by wooden
sailing ship and wagon train across the plains to Utah. Somehow they met in Utah and married in 1863.
Sarah West and Edward Morgan's fourth child, born in Leamington, Utah, in 1872, was Sarah Priscilla Morgan. In 1888 Sarah
Priscilla married Francis Daniel (Frank) Ryset, the stepson of Edward Morgan's father, Thomas Morgan.
The Frank Ryset and Sarah Priscilla Morgan Ryset family stayed close to the Edward and Sarah West Morgan family and also to
the Thomas Morgan families through all their lives. In the picture above are Sarah West Morgan, her daughter Sarah Priscilla
Morgan Ryset, Sarah Priscilla's daughter Nora Ryset Moore, and Nora's daughter Laverne Moore Johnson.
In the four generation picture below is Sarah Priscilla Morgan Ryset, her daughter, granddaughter, and great granddaughter.

In the picture above are Sarah Priscilla Morgan Ryset with her oldest daughter Nora Ryset Moore, Nora's only daughter LaVerne
Moore Johnson, and LaVerne's son George Kent Johnson.
Frank and Sarah Priscilla Morgan Ryset Family
Click on the link above to see a picture of the Frank and Sarah Priscilla Morgan Ryset family.