James Morgan spent many years of his life living with the wild sheep in the high Rocky Mountains. He spent so much time with them that he could approach to within a few feet of them. But eventually he had to (Reluctantly) return to civilization. Otherwise he never would have met Josie.
and Pa shepherds (James and Josie) communing with the sheep on one of the extensive, people friendly, footpaths in England.
Most people who go to England head straight to London where they are treated to crowded,
dirty streets, pickpockets, stuffy tourist traps, and bad food. We headed straight for sheep country where we were treated
to beautiful mountains, stunning sheep meadows enclosed by stone walls, and extensive footpaths that lead the walker through
herds of sheep from one breathtaking vista to another.
Josie has her "sheep roots" in New York City, where
she insists that the sheep have engaged the law firm of Sheepowitz, Herdenbaum and Lambstein to recover for them their old
stomping grounds - the sheep meadows in Central Park. Their barn was converted into "the tavern on the green." They want that back too. The ram in the picture above is undercover (posing
as a tourist) collecting information for their lawsuit.