Violet Viola Ryset Moore. Born 1891, married John Moore 1916, died 1973.

Portrait of John Moore extracted from a large John Thomas and Annie Andersen Moore family group picture. John Moore was born
17 March 1886 and died 14 January 1935.

Violet Viola Ryset Moore Family. Rear, L-R: Violet Viola Ryset Moore (1891-1973), Leah Moore Schofield (1920-1986), Leora
Moore Yorgensen (1917-1971), and Madge Moore Unsworth (1924-2001). Front, Clinton Moore (1922-1994), Clarence Moore (1918-2004).
About 1945.
Life sketch for Violet Viola Ryset Moore. Written by Violet herself. She signed it Violet Ryset Moore.
I was born in a little two room log house on the Shelton Cemetery road on October 5, 1891, the second child of Francis Daniel
and Priscilla Jane Morgan Ryset.
Mother told me of how every morning Aunt Ellen Lovell would walk down from her home in Ririe, nearly 3 miles away, on a trail
along the canal bank to bath me and take care of her.
We lived near mother's sister, Annie and her husband Willard Moore and their family and ours had lots of good times together.
My brothers, Clarence and Frank, and sister Zella were born there also. Then we moved to LaBelle for a short time and then
back to Shelton where we all grew up. I liked to work in the fields with Dad and the boys more than housework. However Mother
saw to it that all of us girls learned how to cook and sew.
My education was quite limited as there was always a new baby to help with and I worked for Aunt May and helped her when all
her children were born.
Always our home was filled with company and it was nothing for Nora and I to cook for 25 or 30 people on Sunday night. Company
was always welcome in our home and Dad and Mother always had room for one more.
I used to help Dad with a colony of honey bees and many a sting we put up with.
We had good times at dances at Shelton and Ririe and I played basketball with a group of girls in the Shelton Ward. We were
pretty good players and won several games from other wards.
When I was 21 I took up a homestead on a farm at Tex Creek. We spent three summers up there. The road was so long in a wagon
the younger girls got so tired. Lots of the time I was there with Clarence and Dick. I loved, and still do, the hills. Nothing
is more peaceful. This remind me of a poem.
I stood on a hilltop with autumn,
and noticed how far the eye
Could penetrate the leafless landscapes,
How reachable was the sky.
The sun slanted in through windows
Once darkened by summer shade.
And I marveled at the lengthening vistas
The shortening days had made.
My soul had a new horizon;
In height and in breadth it grew
As I stood on a hilltop with autumn
And contemplated the view.
There was always lots of people dropping in even on the dryfarm. Young people always filled our home.
On December 13, 1916 I married John Moore, whom I had known nearly all my life, in the Salt Lake City L. D. S. Temple. We
bought a farm in Shelton and there our five children, Leora, Clarence, Leah, John Clinton, and Madge were born to us. We had
good times and enjoyed the family and their friends in our home.
John's health was never too good and he passed away January 14, 1935. The children were quite young but with hard work and
the Lord's help we managed alright.
I remember one winter shortly after John's death, we didn't have any wood for fuel and no money and didn't know what we would
do, when one night there pulled a big truck in the yard and it was Ralph Simmons with a big load of sawed quacken asp, which
lasted for nearly a year.
The years sped on, then the War came and both the boys had to go. I sold the farm and moved to my present home at 626 North
Water. I thank the Lord for my health and my 24 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren.

Violet Viola Ryset Moore extended family. Back Row, L-R: Florence Johnson Moore (1909-1999)(Wife of Ralph Moore), Edris Lee
Moore (1908-2004)(Wife of Willard A (Bill) Moore), Nora Ryset Moore (1889-1964)(Wife of George Moore), Alice L. Brown Moore
(1894-1973)(Wife of Wesley Moore), Annie Moore Ritter (1894-1968)(Wife of Jessie Clay Ritter), Florence Moore Jordan (1899-1973)(Wife
of Melvin Robert Jordan), Nellie Mae Morgan Moore (b?-1955)(2nd wife of Ernest Moore), Grandma Moore (Violet Viola Ryset Moore)(1891-1973)(Wife
of John Moore), Florence Manwaring (1911-1996)(Wife of Reed Moore). Front Row, Ralph Moore (1896-1974)(married Florence Johnson),
Willard A (Bill) Moore (1890-1967)(married Edris Lee), Ernest Moore (1887-1966)(married Viola Cole), James Reed Moore (1907-1989)(married
Florence Manwaring), Melvin Robert Jordan (1895-1966)(married Florence Moore).

In the picture above is John Moore and three of his brothers. John Moore married Violet Viola Ryset.
Life sketch for John Moore
Written by Leah V. Moore Schofield July, 1981
Dad was born March 17, 1886 at Clinton, Utah. He was the third son of John T. and Annie Andersen Moore. He was christened
on July 1, 1886 at Spanish Fork, Utah by George O. Smith. He received his education in Spanish Fork and Clinton, Utah. When
he was eleven years old the family moved to Idaho (1897). Here he completed his education. The family settled in on a farm
in Shelton, Idaho, where the boys all helped on the farm.
Dad was a cowboy. He loved his horses and cattle. He had a dry farm on Willow Creek and worked for the Cattlemen's Assn.
herding cattle. Their headquarters was the Cow Camp on Tex Creek. The Rysets had a dry farm close by and it was here he
courted and fell in love with Mom. (Violet Viola Ryset) They were married in the Salt Lake Temple on December 13, 1916.
They settled in Shelton on a forty acre farm where all five of their children were born.
He was Elder in the Church, a ward teacher, and gave many recitations at ward gatherings. He served on the Shelton school
board for a number of years and he and Mom worked in the P.T.A.
Dad was a kind hearted, loving father. He was good natured, even though he had stomach ulcers and was often very sick, he
still had time to romp and play with us kids. He always had mints and salted peanuts in his pockets for goodies for us.
I remember him singing a lot-little funny ditties; such as on the first day of September, it was always: "September
morning, Where are your clothes? September morning, Nobody knows" or to take Mom or one of us girls in his arms and
sing: "Whose baby girl are you? Who loves you fond and true?" and always he was singing Western Ballads.
Dad was a whistler. We could always tell he was coming home, whether it was from irrigating the crops or walking home from
someplace, by hearing him whistle, we knew he was near.
I can never remember Dad being cruel or mean to anyone. I know there was times when we kids really tried his patience.
He always saw to it that we attended church and church activities, dances, shows, Christmas programs, Fourth of July celebrations
and such. The Christmas programs I remember going in the sleigh with straw in the bottom and lots of quilts and hot rocks
to keep us warm and Dad standing driving the team and beating his hands to his sides to keep warm. Dad loved to dance and
he was a good dancer. I remember he and Mom won a Waltz contest.
Times were hard, Dad took his team and wagon and worked for the W.P.A. to help supplement the family income. I remember how
he used to fix our shoes replacing worn out soles and heels. He also cut our hair. I remember Mom's hair was really long
and she wore it in braids with a bun in the back. She had terrific headaches and decided to have Dad cut it to relieve them.
I remember how we all stood around watching. How we all, including Dad and Mom, cried to see her beautiful hair cut off.
Dad had ulcers and I remember how sick he was and how we all worked hard together on the farm. Mother always worked by his
side all the time. Dad had been really ill and entered the Idaho Falls Hospital the first part of January and passed away
January 14, 1935. He was 48 years old but sometimes it doesn't take years to live a full life.
I could go on and on about my Dad. My mind is full of good and beautiful memories of him and I still get a lump in my throat
just thinking.
John and Violet Viola Ryset Moore Gravestones
Click on the link above to see a picture of John and Violet Ryset Moore's gravestones.