Dutch Morgan's obituary states that he had worked with cattle, stock and sheep for many years and had done sheep shearing
for 34 years.

Above is the gravestone for Dutch Morgan. He is buried in the Shelton, Idaho cemetery.

Above is the gravestone for Nellie Mae Bigham Morgan Moore, wife of Dutch Morgan.
She is buried beside Dutch in the Shelton, Idaho cemetery but she chose not to have the Morgan name put on her headstone.
Ernest and Nellie Mae had a daughter; Dorothy Laree Morgan
Bischoff, born 1926 in Ririe, ID and died in 1994 in Spokane, Washington. She was married to Larry Bischoff in 1994.
She is buried in the Ririe-Shelton cemetery and on her tombstone inscribed are names of her three children; Debbie, Dave,,
Diana. Dorothy Laree Morgan was the daughter of Ernest Robert Morgan and Nellie Mae Bigham.