Ellen Florabell Ryset and her husband Allen Lathan Butler.

In the picture above is Allen Butler
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Life Sketch of Ellen Florabell Ryset Butler
By Sandy Clark
Taken from: "We Are All Together"
Ellen Florabell Ryset Butler's Life In Idaho
Daylin Smith Myers
Ellen was born April 20, 1905, in Shelton, Idaho, the eighth of ten children, two boys and eight girls. Her parents, Francis
and Priscilla, provided a warm and loving home for their family. The family belonged to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints, a religion they were very faithful to, and Ellen held that faith throughout her life.
She lived on the 80 acre farm in Shelton until she graduated from the eighth grade. She then went to live with her sister
Zella and Zella's husband Loran while she tended their son Loran Jr. Much to the embarrassment of Ellen, Loran Jr. would
often escape and run to town. It seemed he was always about three steps ahead of her. After Ellen attended the ninth grade
in Rigby, she then moved to Idaho Falls and lived with the Holden family during her tenth and last grade of school. Ellen
returned home to care for her mother when she became ill with shingles.
Ellen and her sister Sara went to work at the Roger Brothers Seed Company in Idaho Falls. They went to many dances during
this time. It was at one of these dances that she met Allen Lathen Butler; they were married on April 18, 1929.
They lived in Swan Valley where Allen had grown up. During this time they moved onto the Butler family farm, their three
daughters LaDean, Margene, and Sherrel Gay became part of the family. Allen ran the ranch and worked for other ranchers
during the haying season. He also did logging, built roads, and worked on the Palisades Dam.
In 1947, they moved their family to their new home in Blythe, California. They stayed there ten years before moving to Mesa,
Arizona. While living in Mesa, Allen started working as a carpenter, building mainly churches for the LDS church. With this
new job they had the opportunity to also live in Wisconsin and New York. Ellen's last home together with Allen was in Provo,
Utah. It was there they enjoyed visiting family and taking trips. Allen passed away August 30, 1978.
Ellen had many cherished memories and loves that were introduced to her by her family; the love of literature, faith, dancing,
and heritage. She often talked of these with her children and grandchildren. Ellen would reflect over and over on the example
of her own parents as she raised her family. Ellen spoke of the inspiration her own mother was in her life in a Mother's
Day tribute on May 13, 1979.
"I have been asked to express the rewards of motherhood and grand motherhood. To do this I will have to go back
and give tribute to one person that set the pattern for my life. My beautiful Mother, with her beautiful black eyes that would
laugh with us, cry with us, pray with us-she lived for 82 years, 32 of that by herself. She joyed in our success, helped
us over our failures, sorrowed for our sorrows. 'Most of all the other beautiful things in life come by twos and threes, by
dozens and hundreds. Plenty of roses, stars, sunsets, brothers and sisters, aunts and cousins, but only one mother-in the
world.' My mother set the pattern for the way I have always wanted and tried to raise my own children."
Ellen passed away on January 4, 2000.