In the records Willard "C" Moore is listed as Willard Cook Moore, the same name as his father. But the family called
him Willard "C" to keep from confusing the two. In addition, he was nicknamed "Wit." Nowhere in the records
is Willard "C" Moore listed as Willard Cook Moore Jr.
The portrait above of Willard "C" Moore was lifted from a five generation portrait of his mother, his grandfather
(Edward Morgan) and his great grandfather (Thomas Morgan). We are searching the Moore archives to find a picture of the Willard
"C" Moore family.

In the picture above is Willard C (Wit) Moore (right) with his father Willard Cook Moore.
A short life sketch for Willard C "Wit" Moore
Author unknown
My Grandfather, Willard C. Moore, was born January 22, 1883 at Neeley, Idaho, the son of Willard and Annie Lydia Morgan Moore.
He is better known to his friends and relatives as "Wit" being nicknamed this when only a small boy by his Grandfather,
Edward Morgan.
He lived in Neeley, Idaho, where his parents homesteaded land, until about 1887. Then, with his parents and relatives, he
moved back to Leamington, Utah. From there, in the fall of 1889, they moved to Freedom , Wyoming. They endured one severe
winter there before moving on to Shelton Idaho about 1891 where he spent the remainder of his life.
On June 1. 1905, he was married to Julia Etta Smith in Shelton Ward. This marriage was solemnized in the Logan Temple on
December 10, 1941. Six children were born to this union of which survives Lamont, Alfred, Ellen Moore Sommerville, and Cora
Etta Moore Morrow.
Two sons preceded him in death. Benjamin Willard and Emerson. His wife, Julia, also preceded him in death on March 2, 1942.
He took an active part in religious and social activity. He served as Ward clerk and Sunday School Superintendent, and was
a leader in dramatics for some time. He also served as sexton for the Shelton Cemetery for many years, and recently was appointed
commissioner on the cemetery board. He served as Water master for the Farmer's Friend Canal Company for twenty years and
held this position at the time of his death.
On May 12th of this year (1947) he was united in marriage with Sarah Ellen Stromberg (aka Sarah Ellen Wake) of Butler Island
and there he resided temporarily until the time of his death, September 3rd, 1947.
The children of Willard "C" Moore and Julia Etta Smith were:
(1) Edward Lamont Moore, born 2 November 1905 in Shelton, Idaho, married LeOra Harris 30 October 1929, died 13 July 1979.
Edward Lamont Moore
(2) Benjamin Willard (Benjy) Moore, born 15 March 1907 in Shelton, Idaho, died 28 May 1917. Did not marry.
Benjamin Willard (Benjy) Moore
(3) Emerson Moore, born 4 September 1908 in Shelton, Idaho, died 22 November 1926. Did not marry.
(4) Cora Etta Moore, born 13 December 1909 in Shelton, Idaho, died 4 December 1984. Married Arthur Tennyson Morrow 15 January
Cora Etta Moore
(5) Alfred Moore, born 30 April 1911 in Shelton, Idaho, died 22 February 1999. Married Lucille Finn 21 June 1932. She died
1 February 2004 in Idaho Falls, Idaho.
Alfred Moore
(6) Ellen Moore, born 8 May 1918 in Shelton, Idaho, died 25 January 1985. Married Leo Lawrence Sommerville 16 July 1934.