The Thomas Morgan adobe house seen from the road side. Serious deterioration can be seen in the Southeast corner. We were
told that a coal truck backed into this corner so the deterioration was not a flaw in the construction but caused by a vehicle
There was originally a lean-to on the North (Right) side that was used as a kitchen. There was a stairway leading from
this room to the second story.
In 2009 we were informed by a Morgan family member who visited the site that the Thomas Morgan adobe house has been removed
and no trace of it remains. Several attempts to purchase this house in order to preserve it were unsuccessful.
Oldest Picture Of Adobe House
Thomas Adobe Details
Rich Finlinson
Click on these links to see a picture of the Thomas Morgan adobe house when it still had the kitchen lean-to on it, some closeup
details of the house and to see a picture of Rich Finlinson, the man who currently owns the property where the house stands.